Geological investigation of Pulau Kendi
S. K. Chung.
- 1959
- 6p. ill. 30cm
February, 1959
Pulau Kendi is situated to the southeast of Penang Island and is about two miles south of Tanjong Gertah Sanggul, Penang. the island is uninhabited but frequently visited by fisherman from Penang. On the 15th December 1958, the writer visited the island by launch. The journey took 2 1/4 hours from Glugor jetty. As the boat was required to return to Glugor before 6.00 p.m on the same day and no boat was available on the following day, it was not possible to prolog the visit to two days as had been originally intended.
Seismic survey--Penang--Kendi, Pulau Geology, Investigation--Pahang--Pulau Kenali