Geochemical survey in the Sungai Tingkayu area, Kunak, Sabah (reconnaissance) report no: JMG. SBH (SGR) 2/2010 Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan, Projek Survei Geokimia Rantau Sabah Cleafos Totu ... [et al.] - Kuala Lumpur Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia 2010 - viii, 51 p. col., ill., map 30 cm

Includes bibliographical references

The survey covered an area of 1 000 km and the survey area is underlain by the Crystalline Basement, Chert-Spilite Formation, Madai Baturong Limestone Formation and the Kalumpang Formation. Ultrabasic rocks and volcanic rocks occur in places

RM 50.00
