Sia, Say Gee

Evaluation of coal resources of the Mukah coalfield Sarawak, Malaysia ruj: GSKL 002/10/148 Rancangan Malaysia Ketujuh, Projek Penilaian Sumber Arang Batu Sarawak Sia Say Gee, Dorani Johari - Kuala Lumpur Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia 2000 - viii, 49 p. col., ill., photos 30 cm. + 14 maps

Includes bibliographical references

A follow- up study covering an area of approximately 300 km was commenced in March 1996, as one of the coal evaluation project under the Seventh Malaysia Plan (1996-2000). Fieldwork carried out includes geological mapping, coal outcrop study, trigonometrical survey, drilling and downhole geophysical logging
