Wong, Ting Woon

Stream concentrates Tanjong Tualang sheet 64 October 1971 Wong Ting Woon - 1971 - 133 p. ill. , maps 35 cm

Tanjong Tualang area is underlain by low grade metamorphic rocks in the north and granite in the south. The metasediment - granite contact is believed to be along Sungai Ayer Lata. The metamorphic rocks are generally metaquarzite and quartz. Sericite / mucovite hornfels which in the weathered zones have been reduced to rocks resembling sandstone and shale. The granite is coarse - grained (hornblade) - biotite adamelite. No medium - grained and fine - grained varieties have yet been found.

Geology--Perak--Tanjong Tualang
Rocks, sedimentary

Tanjong Tualang (Perak)