TY - BOOK AU - Dayang Azeafeeza Abang Shaifuddin TI - Well log analysis of Pakapau field and its geologist and petrophysical interpretation PY - 2010/// KW - Geology KW - Petrology KW - Dissertation, Academic KW - Malaysia KW - Oil wells N1 - May, 2010; Thesis (B.Sc) Applied Geology - Universiti Malaya, 2010; Bibliography : p. 46-47 N2 - This projects deals with the well log data for petrophysical and geologist analysis. Data for the this project is provided by PETRONAS. For quantitative analysis of petrophysical properties, nine premeable zones have been identified within the well, out of which one zone is hydrocarbonbearing. Those premeable zone are named Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, and Zone 9 are water bearing zone while Zon 8 (hydrocarbon bearing) are from 2640 to 2642.8 meters depth ER -