Geology and gold mineralisation in the Kampung Seri Pantai area, Mersing, Johor
Rabiatul Adawiyah Mohamed Ghazali
- 2010
- 46 p. col. ill. 30 cm
May, 2010
Thesis (B.Sc.) Geology - Universiti Malaya, 2010
Includes bibliographical references
There are both primary gold mineralization of the quartz vein type and recent gold placers in the study area. Samples of gold of both types were planned in the field, and are taken to the laboratory to study the physical characteristics such as the roundness and sphericity under a binocular microscope. Samples of the inland type which is still from a primary origin (the quartz vein type) has a poor sorting and are mostly angular to subangular in roundness and are sub-discoidal to discoidal in sphericity. The placer gold (the samples from the beach) are generally much firer than the latter and exhibits better sorting, and are mostly sub-angular to sub-rounded in roundless and are sub-prismoidal in sphericity.
Dissertations, Academic--Malaysia Geology--Johor--Mersing--Kampung Seri Pantai Gold ores--Geology--Johor Gold--Johor--Mersing--Kampung Seri Pantai