Geology of Keramat Pulai area with emphasis on granite texture
Syaukat Salim
- xvii, 52 p. col. ill., maps. 30 cm
Thesis (B.Sc)Applied Geology - Universiti Malaya
Includes bibliographical references
The study area is situated at Keramat Pulai, Perak. The study area covers from Km 1 to KM 11, Simpang Pulai to Cameron Highlands road, but focusing mainly at granite outcrop from KM 10 to KM 11. Keramat Pulai area consists of a conformable sequence of marblke interbedded with schist of Silurian to Devonian age intruded by Main Range Granite of Trassic age. These rocks are uncornformably overlain by Quaternary alluvium of fluvial origin.