Dzazali Ayub

Vertical electrical sounding (VES) and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) results for a hydrogeological investigation in the field Neram Satu and Ladang Jabor area, Kemaman Terengganu Darul Iman Dzazali Ayub. - 1989 - v, 14p. ill. 30cm

December, 1989

Includes bibliographical references

Geophysical methods employed during the survey were resistivity (VES) and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM). Both methods have been widely and successfully used particularly with regard to groundwater exploration works. The VLF-EM method was used as a mean of locating fracture zones, faults and cinductivity contact. The VES method were made to give an estimate depth and resistivity of the bedrock. A total of 15 line-kilometres of VLF-EM traverses and 38 VES points were completed.

Seismic surveys--Terengganu--Kemaman

Felda Neram Satu (Kemaman, Terengganu)
Ladang Jabor (Kemaman, Terengganu)