Alexander S W Yan
Report on the follow-up geochemical exploration for base metals in the Bukit Luminintong area Gunung Meliau Lubuk Valley Sabah : RAK (E1) - JMG Sabah - Ipoh Perak Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia 1987 - ill:11p. 29.8 cm Follow-up geochemical stream sediment sample location map,copper distribution in stream sediments,Zinc distribution in stream sediments,Lead distribution in stream sediments,Cobalt distribution in stream sediments,Chromium distribution in stream sediments, Nickel distribution in stream sediments
Report on the follow-up geochemical exploration for base metals in the Bukit Luminintong area Gunung Meliau Lubuk Valley Sabah : RAK (E1) - JMG Sabah - Ipoh Perak Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia 1987 - ill:11p. 29.8 cm Follow-up geochemical stream sediment sample location map,copper distribution in stream sediments,Zinc distribution in stream sediments,Lead distribution in stream sediments,Cobalt distribution in stream sediments,Chromium distribution in stream sediments, Nickel distribution in stream sediments