Agocs, W.B
Reports On Airborne Magnetometer And Scintillation Counter Survey Of Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Trengganu, Pahang And Johore, Federation Of Malaya J.R. Paton - Ipoh Geological Survey Department 1957 - <1-339p> ill. maps 28.5cm
includes bibliography
geophysics--airborne survey--Malaya
Reports On Airborne Magnetometer And Scintillation Counter Survey Of Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Trengganu, Pahang And Johore, Federation Of Malaya J.R. Paton - Ipoh Geological Survey Department 1957 - <1-339p> ill. maps 28.5cm
includes bibliography
geophysics--airborne survey--Malaya