Foo, Khong Yee
Summary of the geology & mineral resources of the state of Kelantan, West Malaysia Foo Khong Yee. - 1973 - 35p. ill. 34cm
This summary is compiled from records of geological work carried out largely by the Geological Survey in the state of Kelantan. It also incorporates information from reports of prospecting and mining activities which have contribute significantly to the present state of knowledge of the geology and mineral resources of the state.
Geology, Economic--Kelantan
Mines and mineral resources--Kelantan
Summary of the geology & mineral resources of the state of Kelantan, West Malaysia Foo Khong Yee. - 1973 - 35p. ill. 34cm
This summary is compiled from records of geological work carried out largely by the Geological Survey in the state of Kelantan. It also incorporates information from reports of prospecting and mining activities which have contribute significantly to the present state of knowledge of the geology and mineral resources of the state.
Geology, Economic--Kelantan
Mines and mineral resources--Kelantan