D. Santokh Singh
Preliminary geological report on the area of the Batang Padang hydro-electric scheme no. E(F)1962 D. Santokh Sing & E. Ledgerwood - 1962 - 27 p. ill.,maps 30 cm
The report sets out the results of geological field investigations and laboratory examinations aimed at determining the conditions likely to be encountered in the development of the three principal suggested schemes involving tunnel lines to the east and the west of the Sungei Batang Padang
Geology--Batang Padang--Perak
Preliminary geological report on the area of the Batang Padang hydro-electric scheme no. E(F)1962 D. Santokh Sing & E. Ledgerwood - 1962 - 27 p. ill.,maps 30 cm
The report sets out the results of geological field investigations and laboratory examinations aimed at determining the conditions likely to be encountered in the development of the three principal suggested schemes involving tunnel lines to the east and the west of the Sungei Batang Padang
Geology--Batang Padang--Perak