Joanes Muda
Base metal exploration the Ulu Marasimsim area, Marudu Bay, northern Sabah Projek Eksplorasi Logam Bes, RML, Komponen Logam Besi Joanes Muda and Alexander Yan - 1988 - 12 p. ill. 30 cm
Includes bibliographical references
Geochemical stream sediment sampling in the Ulu Marasimsim area has delineated ten multi and single element anomalies ranging from minor to moderate significance
Base metal exploration the Ulu Marasimsim area, Marudu Bay, northern Sabah Projek Eksplorasi Logam Bes, RML, Komponen Logam Besi Joanes Muda and Alexander Yan - 1988 - 12 p. ill. 30 cm
Includes bibliographical references
Geochemical stream sediment sampling in the Ulu Marasimsim area has delineated ten multi and single element anomalies ranging from minor to moderate significance