Woldfenden, E. B.
Sematan and Lundu area, west Sarawak by E. B. Wolfenden with contribution by N. S. Haile - 1963 - xiii, 159 p. ill.,photos,maps 36 cm.+ 2 maps
Explanation of sheets 1-109-3,1-109-4,1-109-7,1-109-8, and 2-109-15
The area is drained by the Kayan, Sematan and Samunsam Rivers. More than half the area is a flat to slightly undulating peneplain less that 100 feet high. Steep sided hills and rugged mountains rise from the plain, the most prominent being the Pueh Range(5,000 feet), the Gading mountains (3,000 feet) and the range extending south from Tanjong Datu to Gunong Melano (1,780 feet)
Mineral resources--Lundu--Sarawak
Sematan and Lundu area, west Sarawak by E. B. Wolfenden with contribution by N. S. Haile - 1963 - xiii, 159 p. ill.,photos,maps 36 cm.+ 2 maps
Explanation of sheets 1-109-3,1-109-4,1-109-7,1-109-8, and 2-109-15
The area is drained by the Kayan, Sematan and Samunsam Rivers. More than half the area is a flat to slightly undulating peneplain less that 100 feet high. Steep sided hills and rugged mountains rise from the plain, the most prominent being the Pueh Range(5,000 feet), the Gading mountains (3,000 feet) and the range extending south from Tanjong Datu to Gunong Melano (1,780 feet)
Mineral resources--Lundu--Sarawak