Denis Tan Ngoh Kiat
Lupar Valley, west Sarawak Malaysia by Denis Tan Ngoh Kiat - 1979 - xviii, 159 p. ill.,maps,photos 26 cm+ 2 maps
Explanation of sheets 1-111-14,1-111-15, and part of 1-111-16
Includes bibliographical references
The area is drained almost entirely by the Batang Lupar and its tributaries, the main ones being Batang Lemanak, Batang Undup, Sungai Kumpang and Sungai Entulang
Lupar Valley, west Sarawak Malaysia by Denis Tan Ngoh Kiat - 1979 - xviii, 159 p. ill.,maps,photos 26 cm+ 2 maps
Explanation of sheets 1-111-14,1-111-15, and part of 1-111-16
Includes bibliographical references
The area is drained almost entirely by the Batang Lupar and its tributaries, the main ones being Batang Lemanak, Batang Undup, Sungai Kumpang and Sungai Entulang