Ong, Y.H.
Limestone resources investigation of Gunung Senyum, Jengka, Pahang Y. H. Ong. - 26 p. ill. , maps 30 cm
As part of the progrramme for systematic investigation of investigation of limestone deposits in Peninsular Malaysia currently carried out by the Industrial Minerals Division, an investigation of Gunung Senyum, Jengka, Pahang was carried out from 22nd to 27th October 1982.
Rocks--Pahang--Jengka--Gunung Senyum
Gunung Senyum (Jengka, Pahang)
Limestone resources investigation of Gunung Senyum, Jengka, Pahang Y. H. Ong. - 26 p. ill. , maps 30 cm
As part of the progrramme for systematic investigation of investigation of limestone deposits in Peninsular Malaysia currently carried out by the Industrial Minerals Division, an investigation of Gunung Senyum, Jengka, Pahang was carried out from 22nd to 27th October 1982.
Rocks--Pahang--Jengka--Gunung Senyum
Gunung Senyum (Jengka, Pahang)