Kamuradin Md. Slar

Deraf laporan penyiasatan endapan pasir silika di sepanjang Pantai Timur Johor Kamuradin Md. Slar. - 1991 - 39 p. ill. 30 cm

Mengandungi rujukan

The investigation was carried out to identify the potential areas of silica sand deposit along east coast of Johore. Nine areas of silica sand occurrences were investigated. Scout augering were done on all these areas of which four areas (Kg. Punggai, Pasir Seruang, tg. Leman and Telok Tenggaroh) were selected for detailed investigation as significant occurrences of the sand were found.

Rocks, Siliceous--Johore

Pasir Seruang (Johore)
Tg. Leman (Johore)
Telok Tenggeroh (Johore)