Aw, P. C.
Geochemical follow-up investigation in the Ulu Sungai Lebir area P. C. Aw, Y. C. Wong. - 1974 - 7p. ill. 34cm
Includes bibliographical references
Detail stream sediment sampling from the minor tributaries draining a N-S trending ridge situated between Sungai Aring and Sungai Lebir near Kampung Bunggor was undertaken by the writers in April 1973. The ridge is approximately 2.4km long and 0.8km wide with an elevation of 365metres above sea-level.
Geochemical follow-up investigation in the Ulu Sungai Lebir area P. C. Aw, Y. C. Wong. - 1974 - 7p. ill. 34cm
Includes bibliographical references
Detail stream sediment sampling from the minor tributaries draining a N-S trending ridge situated between Sungai Aring and Sungai Lebir near Kampung Bunggor was undertaken by the writers in April 1973. The ridge is approximately 2.4km long and 0.8km wide with an elevation of 365metres above sea-level.