Abdullah Hasbi Hassan Dr.
The Malaysian practice in dealing with minerals associated with alluvial tin mining Dr. Abdullah Hasbi Hassan. - 1978 - 10p. 30cm
Includes bibliographical references
Most of the tin ores mined in Malaysia is alluvial in nature. The ore minerals consist essentially of cassiterite, whilst the gangue mineral consists mainly of quartz and various types of clay. In addition, other heavy and semi-heavy accessory minerals are also found, and recovered together with the cassiterite.
The Malaysian practice in dealing with minerals associated with alluvial tin mining Dr. Abdullah Hasbi Hassan. - 1978 - 10p. 30cm
Includes bibliographical references
Most of the tin ores mined in Malaysia is alluvial in nature. The ore minerals consist essentially of cassiterite, whilst the gangue mineral consists mainly of quartz and various types of clay. In addition, other heavy and semi-heavy accessory minerals are also found, and recovered together with the cassiterite.