Khoo, Kay Khean

Potential for primary tin mineralization and an account of the tin mining activities of the Klian Intan area, Upper Perak Khoo Kay Khean - 1982 - 75p. col., ill., maps 31cm

August, 1982

The Klian Intan area is underlain by rocks of the Baling Formation consisting of quartzites, argillites, hornfelses and marble of Lower Silurian and older age. Exposures seen at the Rahman Hydraulic Tin Limited mine at Gunung Paku show that the mineralization there can be attributed to a stock work type deposit characterised by numerous cassiterite-quartz-polymetallic sulphide veins and lodes crian-crossing the country rocks.

Mineralogy--Perak--Klian Intan
Geology, Economic--Perak--Klian Intan
Tin mines and mining--Perak--Klian Intan

Klian Intan (Perak)
Sungei Pong (Perak)
Sungei Pahit (Perak)