Service, H.
Notes on Lahat Pipe H. Service. - 1954 - 4p. 30cm
In 1903 the Societe des Etains de Kinta found at the bottom of a small pit, where detrital ore had been worked, a mass of stone in situ, deep indian-red in colour, oval in shape, measuring about 7 feet by 2, and carrying a considerable amount of cassiterite. The country was crystalline limestone. The stone was followed and found to continue in depth, while the mass increased in size. The work proved highly lucrative, and regular mining operations were commenced, leading to the installation of an electrically driven plant.
Geology, Economic--Perak--Lahat
Lahat (Perak)
Notes on Lahat Pipe H. Service. - 1954 - 4p. 30cm
In 1903 the Societe des Etains de Kinta found at the bottom of a small pit, where detrital ore had been worked, a mass of stone in situ, deep indian-red in colour, oval in shape, measuring about 7 feet by 2, and carrying a considerable amount of cassiterite. The country was crystalline limestone. The stone was followed and found to continue in depth, while the mass increased in size. The work proved highly lucrative, and regular mining operations were commenced, leading to the installation of an electrically driven plant.
Geology, Economic--Perak--Lahat
Lahat (Perak)