Alexander, J.B.
Geological appreciation summary regarding prospects of Iron-ore deposits in the Mukim of Bera district of Temerloh Pahang J. B. Alexander - 1961 - 1 v. ill., maps (b&w) 32 cm
GS : 61/E/026/1
First proposed by the writer in 1952, and subsequently sponsered jointly by the Governmentsof Canada and the Federation of Malaya under the Colombo Plan. The Airbone Magnetometer and Scintillation Counter Survey of this portion of Area 3 was flown in 1956-57 and the geophysical interpretation there of was completed in 1957-58. Since thet date a considerable amount of geophysical work on the ground has been efected as a priority task by the Geological Survey despite staff shortages.
Iron ore--Geology--Pahang
Iron industry--Pahang
Bera (Pahang)
Geological appreciation summary regarding prospects of Iron-ore deposits in the Mukim of Bera district of Temerloh Pahang J. B. Alexander - 1961 - 1 v. ill., maps (b&w) 32 cm
GS : 61/E/026/1
First proposed by the writer in 1952, and subsequently sponsered jointly by the Governmentsof Canada and the Federation of Malaya under the Colombo Plan. The Airbone Magnetometer and Scintillation Counter Survey of this portion of Area 3 was flown in 1956-57 and the geophysical interpretation there of was completed in 1957-58. Since thet date a considerable amount of geophysical work on the ground has been efected as a priority task by the Geological Survey despite staff shortages.
Iron ore--Geology--Pahang
Iron industry--Pahang
Bera (Pahang)