Hill, J.H
Jaya Sepakat iron ore prospect Ulu Lepar, Pahang J.H. Hill - 10 p. 30 cm
At the request of the manager of the Jaya Sepakat Mining Company a party from the Economic Division of the Geological Survey visited their iron ore prospect at Ulu Lepar, Pahang between the 9th and the 12th April, 1963
Iron ore--Pahang--Ulu Lepar
Jaya Sepakat iron ore prospect Ulu Lepar, Pahang J.H. Hill - 10 p. 30 cm
At the request of the manager of the Jaya Sepakat Mining Company a party from the Economic Division of the Geological Survey visited their iron ore prospect at Ulu Lepar, Pahang between the 9th and the 12th April, 1963
Iron ore--Pahang--Ulu Lepar