Alex Unya Ak Ambun
The geological prospectivity of Malaysia Alex Unya Ak Ambun, L. H. Teoh, A. S. W. Yan - 1993 - 7p. ill.,map 30cm
The Malaysian minerals industry is commonly perceived to be in the dolddrums since the downturn of the tin sector decade ago.To a certain extend this is true as indicated by the1992 export of the tin of RM721 million as compared to RM1,600 million in 1985
The geological prospectivity of Malaysia Alex Unya Ak Ambun, L. H. Teoh, A. S. W. Yan - 1993 - 7p. ill.,map 30cm
The Malaysian minerals industry is commonly perceived to be in the dolddrums since the downturn of the tin sector decade ago.To a certain extend this is true as indicated by the1992 export of the tin of RM721 million as compared to RM1,600 million in 1985