Chong, Foo Shin
Report on The Groundwater Investigation at The Royal Perak Golf Club, Tiger Lane, Ipoh : RAK (F6) Chong Foo Shin, Mohd Nazar Awang - 1983 - ii,7p. ill.,maps 30cm
The aquifer in the alluvial overburden can providen 1000g/hr from the three 1 1/2 diameter boreholes constructed.The water also has low total dissolves and contains no significant amounts of toxic elements
Report on The Groundwater Investigation at The Royal Perak Golf Club, Tiger Lane, Ipoh : RAK (F6) Chong Foo Shin, Mohd Nazar Awang - 1983 - ii,7p. ill.,maps 30cm
The aquifer in the alluvial overburden can providen 1000g/hr from the three 1 1/2 diameter boreholes constructed.The water also has low total dissolves and contains no significant amounts of toxic elements