Blue Ocean Shift Beyond Competing : Proven Steps To Inspire Confidence And Seize New Growth / W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne - First Edition 2017 - New York Hachette Books 2017 - xi, 322 p. ill., 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references ( p. 305 - 307 ), indexs ( p. 309 - 319 )

Blue Ocean Shift is the essential follow up to Blue Ocean Strategy, the classic and 3.6 million copy global bestseller by world-renowned professors Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. Drawing on more than a decade of new work, Kim and Mauborgne show you how to move beyond competing, inspire your people's confidence, and seize new growth, guiding you step-by-step through how to take your organisation from a red ocean crowded with competition to a blue ocean of uncontested market space. By combining the insights of human psychology with practical market-creating tools and real-world guidance, Kim and Mauborgne deliver the definitive guide to shift yourself, your team, or your organisation to new heights of confidence, market creation, and growth.


--New products -- Market segmentation

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