Stability In Open Pit Mining : Proceedings Of The First International Conference On Stability In Open Mining /
edited by C. O. Brawner, V. Milligan
- New York : Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc, 1971
- v, 242 p.: graph, ill.; 23 cm
"Sponsored by Center for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, Engineering Institute of Canada (B.C. Section), [and] Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (B.C. Section)."
--Strip Minning -- Congresses
--Slopes ( Soil Mechanics ) -- Congresses
622.31 STA
"Sponsored by Center for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, Engineering Institute of Canada (B.C. Section), [and] Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (B.C. Section)."
--Strip Minning -- Congresses
--Slopes ( Soil Mechanics ) -- Congresses
622.31 STA