S. Thomson Galin
Geologi dan sumber mineral kawasan Nanga Mujong, Sarawak: Menjelaskan lembaran peta 6314 : RAK (E11 / E12) - RMK 9. Projek Pementaan Geologi Negara.- JMG.SRW ( PGN ) 3/2010 - Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia, Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, 2010. - ill. 154p.- 29.8 cm.- Included geological map (Sarawak Geological Map 1 : 50 000.- Nanga Mujong, 2010)
Geological mapping under the 9th Malaysia Plan was carried out in the Nanga Mujong Area, Kapit Division, Sarawak commenced in 2008. The main objective of the mapping was to explain in detail the geology of the area at a scale of 1 : 50 000. The information collected is useful for future development plans in the area.
A geological map was produced with this report. The first part of this report introduces briefly the geographical and social aspects of the area followed by the review of the previous and current geological work carried out in the sea. This report covers the information on rocks, stratigraphy, structural geology of the mapping area.
The area is underlain by the Layar Member, Kapit Member and Pelagus Member of the Cretaceous-Middle Eocene Belaga Formation. It consists of phyllite, slate, argillites, siltstone and sandstone. However in places are pockets of superficial deposits. The rocks in the area underwent low-grade regional metamorphism with decreasing degree of metamorphism northwards. It had been deformed producing folds, faults and joints caused by palaeostress that is approximately oriented north-northwest and south-southeast. Uplift caused the rock to be above sea-level and subjected to weathering and erosion that produces riverine deposit.
From the economic aspect, the Nanga Mujong area has sandstone and gravel deposits that may be utilised in future.
--Geology--Nanga Mujong--Sarawak
--Mineral resources--Nanga Mujong--Sarawak
Geologi dan sumber mineral kawasan Nanga Mujong, Sarawak: Menjelaskan lembaran peta 6314 : RAK (E11 / E12) - RMK 9. Projek Pementaan Geologi Negara.- JMG.SRW ( PGN ) 3/2010 - Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia, Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, 2010. - ill. 154p.- 29.8 cm.- Included geological map (Sarawak Geological Map 1 : 50 000.- Nanga Mujong, 2010)
Geological mapping under the 9th Malaysia Plan was carried out in the Nanga Mujong Area, Kapit Division, Sarawak commenced in 2008. The main objective of the mapping was to explain in detail the geology of the area at a scale of 1 : 50 000. The information collected is useful for future development plans in the area.
A geological map was produced with this report. The first part of this report introduces briefly the geographical and social aspects of the area followed by the review of the previous and current geological work carried out in the sea. This report covers the information on rocks, stratigraphy, structural geology of the mapping area.
The area is underlain by the Layar Member, Kapit Member and Pelagus Member of the Cretaceous-Middle Eocene Belaga Formation. It consists of phyllite, slate, argillites, siltstone and sandstone. However in places are pockets of superficial deposits. The rocks in the area underwent low-grade regional metamorphism with decreasing degree of metamorphism northwards. It had been deformed producing folds, faults and joints caused by palaeostress that is approximately oriented north-northwest and south-southeast. Uplift caused the rock to be above sea-level and subjected to weathering and erosion that produces riverine deposit.
From the economic aspect, the Nanga Mujong area has sandstone and gravel deposits that may be utilised in future.
--Geology--Nanga Mujong--Sarawak
--Mineral resources--Nanga Mujong--Sarawak