Sepiolite from Kramat Pulai, Perak P. C . Aw.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 549.609595114 AWP (Browse shelf) | Available | 0000004586 |
September, 1989
Includes bibliographical references
Meerchaum (Sepiolite), believed to be the first reported occurence in Malaysia, is studied by chemical, DTA, optical and x-ray methods. It occurs as a white fibrous mineral in the forms of stringers, veins and films along irregular fractures in the marble host rock from an abandoned quarry. Although meerschaum is a high value industrial mineral, used for making smoking pipes and cigarette holders, this occurrence is to small to warrant any serious investigation.
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