Test - Drilling using Reska 30/25 cdss Rig : exploration, test well drilling and construction Kg. Nangka, Matang, Kuching division, Sarawak by Sulong Enjop
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 551.498095952211 SULt (Browse shelf) | Available | 0000005772 |
Total holds: 0
GSKL 037/17 (204)
Detailed geological investigation were conducted in Kampong Nangka, Matang, to locate suitable sites for testing, training ang test drilling using the new Ingersell - Rond Reska R30/25 cdss water well drill rig. Preliminary investigation includes desk - stop - study detailed mapping and surface geo[hysical survey which was carried out in November - December, 1998.
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