Penyiasatan hidrogeologi di kawasan Siang-Siang Lawas Sarawak= hydrogeological investigation report at Siang-Siang area, Lawas, Sarawak GSKL 037/24/(331) Roslan Rajali, Mohd. Zailon Ramli
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Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 551.495952292 ROSss (Browse shelf) | Available | 0000006068 |
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Includes bibliographical references
Geological Survey Department earied out successfully hydrogeological investigation at Siang-Siang area, Lawas, from 22 April 1998 and completed on 27 May 1998. This is part of the Sventh Mlaaysia Plan for the Water Resources Study Project
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