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Geological report R.H Cook
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Summary: This marks the beginning of the geological reconnaissance field mapping part of the Canadian Malaysia Colombo Plan Natural Resource project in the Mersing sector. Photogeological interpretation by Mr. Paul Piazza was used as a guide to field work. The area traversed is one of low to moderate topographic relief and the existence of substantial swampy areas with consequent scarcity of outcrops in these regionsin some cases frustrated attempts to confirm photo interpreted contacts and structures.
v. 1 Geological report - July 1967 / R.H. Cook -- V. 2 Field record volume II / R.H. Cook -- V. 3 Field record volume III / R.H. Cook -- V. 4 April field notes / R.H. Cook -- V.5 Fieldwork in West part, North sector of Pahang Tenggara project area / R.H Cook.
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