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Field record Chu Ling Heng
Material type:
Summary: The area in underlain by an essentially metamorphosed volcanic - sedimentary sequence represented largely by hornfelses and metavolcancs with lesser amounts of state, argililite, phyllites and schists
V.2 Field record - March 1973 : traverses along Sg. Kerai, Sg. Rela, Sg. Wias, Sg. Jelhud, Sg. Mesok / Chu Ling Heng
V.3 Field record - July 1973 : traverses alng Sg. Jenera, Sg. Puian / Chu Ling Heng
V.4 Field record - July 1976 : traverses along Ulu Sg. Bakar, Ulu Sg. Tekai, Sg. Cherul, and their distri- butaries , syit 71, Pahang / Chu Ling Heng
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