Rompin Mining Co. Ltd. geological report on the area between Bukit Pesagi & Bukit Sanlong B. Summers.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 553.0959512341 SUM (Browse shelf) | Available | 00003779 |
January, 1964.
Seven deposits of iron ore are known in the area. They have been prospected by pitting, tunneling and diamond drilling. In addition airborne and ground magnetometric surveys have been carried out. Two of the deposits are of vein type and consists of specularite and pyrite, enriched by oxidation at and near outcrop. The others are of lateritic formation but are in most cases believed to be related to pyritic veins. It is considered that all the ore is genetically related to intrusions of diorite, which is often magnetiferous. Forty eight diamond drill holes were put down, totalling 7589 feet.
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