Rompin Mining Co. Ltd. development of Bukit Gantong Raga C. S. Loh.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 553.309595123 LOH (Browse shelf) | Available | 00003786 |
Total holds: 0
Proved are reserves in Bukit Gantong Raga is low in grade and limited in quantity. It is very much in doubt, at present, whether this one can be mined and treated economically. The ability to digest this low grade ore depends very much on the finding of more high grade ore reserves in the other areas worked by the company. If it becomes necessary to consider more sophisticated and expensive methods of ore beneficiation an early and accurate knowledge of all available ore reserves becomes most necessary before any economic feasibility can be determined.
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