Rompin Mining Co. Ltd. report on prospecting trip to Ulu Tepisoh-Ulu Aur D. Taylor.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 622.109595 TAY (Browse shelf) | Available | 00003787 |
October, 1963
This mineral occurrence consists of some 15-20 cobbles and small boulders aligned approximately N-S doun the northern slopes of a low hill located between the two principal tributaries of the Sg. Tepisoh. This line of boulders in some 400 long. The principal iron mineral present is coarse specular haematite, which with a little lateritic limonite containing scattered quartz crystals constitutes all the outcrops seen on the hill. In the stream bed at the foot of the hill, some 1000 from the iron ore, three boulders of medium grained granite are seen. No other rocks were seen in the area.
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