Potential & possible quarry sites investigated in second half of 1983 Lam Sia Keng
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Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Reports | JMG IBUPEJABAT Open Shelf | Open Shelf | 555.9522 LAM 1983b (Browse shelf) | Available | 00003943 |
Total holds: 0
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555.9522 LAM Potential quarry sites investigated in 1982 | 555.9522 LAM Potential quarry sites, Bukit Batu area | 555.9522 LAM 1983a Potential & possible quarry site investigated in first half of 1983 | 555.9522 LAM 1983b Potential & possible quarry sites investigated in second half of 1983 | 555.9522 LIN Geologic interpretation of globeSAR image of Tubau-Bukit Lumut area, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia | 555.9522 LIN Geological map update using airborne and radarsat simulated SAR data in Sarawak, Malaysia | 555.9522 POT Potential quarry sites in Sarawak |
During the second half of 1983,four potential quarry sites were investigated to determined the quality and reserves of stoneavailable at these sites for quarrying
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