Projek pemetaan geologi negara. Kawasan Bukit Karah, Sarawak, Malaysia: Menjelaskan lembaran peta 6016. : RAK (E14))
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Price: RM 50.00
Geological mapping in the Bukit Karah area was been implemented from the beginning April 2008 until September 2009. Studies include various geological aspecta and related methods of geological mapping. Based map was obtained from Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) serial T738, sheet 6016 with scale 1 : 50 000. Study area covers an area of 900 km.
Bukit Karah area is covered by Paleogene and Neogene sediments. The Paleogene sediment consisting of the pelagus and Metah Member from Belaga Formation whilw Neogene sediments is consisting of the Begrih Formation and Liang Formation.
The Pelagus Member is the oldest unit and underlying southern part's area of Bukit Karah. Marine sediments that deposited in this Mid Paleocene unit formed by an interbedded sequence of sandstone mainly greywacke with, shale alternation, sandstone alternation and siltstone. Metah Member deposited during Mid Eocene-Late Eocene is consisting of alternation of shale and sandstone.
Begrih Formation aged Early Pliocene-Mid Pliocene underline a small area at the north of Bukit Karah area deposited in a marine environment. The Liang Formation is the youngest precipitated around Middle Pleistocene-Pleocene. This formation is consisting of interbedded sandstone with shale, sandy clay, clay and sandstone with pebble and lignite. This unit is scattered randomly at the north of Bukit Karah area.
The Pelagus and Metah Member separated by interfingering boundary. The Belaga Formation is generally trending northwest to southeast with the bedding pitch around 60 - 90 degrees. The ridgesin this area is parallel to this bedding plane unit.
The trend of the ridges in Liang Formation is southwest to northeast. This formation less folded. The Liang and Begrih Formation is separated by unconformity boundary.
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