Your search returned 1653 results.

Regional granty survey of Johore and Malacca Jamaludin Othman.

by Jamaludin Othman.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1991Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 622.159209595119 JAM (1).

Ringkasan ke atas laporan-laporan penyiasatan tanah liat yang dijalankan semenjak tahun 1978 disusun oleh Kamuradin Md. Slar.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1983Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.6109 RIN (1).

Ringkasan ke atas laporan-laporan penyiasatan tanah liat yang dijalankan semenjak tahun 1978 disusun oleh Kamuradin Md. Slar.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1983Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.6109 RIN (1).

Preliminary investigation of silica sand deposits in Terengganu P.C. Aw.

by Aw, P.C.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1977Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.62209595122 AWPp (1).

Preliminary investigation of silica sand deposits in Terengganu P.C. Aw.

by Aw, P.C.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1977Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.62209595122 AWPp (1).

Survei geologi marin di perairan Johor Barat dan Johor Timur laporan persampelan Abdullah Sulaiman ...[et al.].

by Ismail Iman Mohamad Pauzi Abdullah Hamid Ariffin.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1998Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 551.46809595119 SUR (1).

Survei geologi Marin di perairan Kelantan hingga Terengganu Utara Laporan geofizik Hairani sham Manas, Rohimi Che Wan

by Hairani Sham Manas | Rohimi Che Wan.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1998Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 551.30409595 HAI (1).

Kajian sumber pasir laut negara cadangan teknikal dan kewangan Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan.

by Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1998Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.62209595 INS (1).

Survei geologi marin dokumen ringkas RMK - 7

Material type: Text Text Publisher: [19?_] Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 551.46859521 SUR (1).

Sumber mineral negeri Perak dan potensi untuk pembangunannya.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1998Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.09595114 SUM (1).

National sand resource study in the straits of Malacca (phase 1) terms of reference.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1999Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.09595118 NAT (1).

Proposal for IRPA project characterization of silica sand resource and their possible utilization.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1993Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.6220720595 PRO (1).

Mengapur base metal prospect exploration report covering phases 1, 2 and 3 investigation.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Mining Corporation Bhd. 1987Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.51609595 MEN (1).

Summary of correspondence of alleged reported occurrences of oil im Malaya from 1912 - 1956 D. Slater

by Slater, D.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1912Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.2809595 SLA (1).

Texture and composition of cave rock phosphate in Peninsular Malaysia P. C. Aw.

by Aw, P. C.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1989Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.6409595 AWP (1).

Phosphate resources and exploration potential of Malaysia Arthur J. G. Notholt.

by Notholt, Arthur J. G.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1986Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.6409595 NOT (1).

Cave phosphate deposits and their role in the fertilizer industry in Peninsular Malaysia P.C. Aw

by Aw, P.C.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1984Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.51609595 AWP (1).

Cave phosphate deposits and their role in the fertilizer industry in Peninsular Malaysia P.C. Aw

by Aw, P.C.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: 1984Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.51609595 AWP (1).

A brief account of the geology of the limestone hills of Malaya J.R. Paton.

by Paton, J.R.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1961Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 551.43609595 PAT (1).

Sumber batu kapur di Malaysia dan saranan untuk pembangunannya limestone resources of Malaysia and recommendations for their development.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: 1994Other title: Limestone resource of Malaysia and recommendation for their development..Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 553.51609595 SUM (1).