Your search returned 78 results.

Warisan geologi Malaysia Pemetaan geowarisan dan pencirian geotapak

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2001Other title: Geological heritage of Malaysia Geoheritage mapping and geosite characterization.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.95 WAR 2001 (1).

Warisan geologi Malaysia Pembangunan sumber untuk pemuliharaan dan pelancongan tabii

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2000Other title: Geological heritage of Malaysia Resource development for conservation and nature tourism.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.95 WAR 2000 (1).

Warisan geologi Malaysia Geologi pemuliharaan untuk pembangunan geotop

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 1999Other title: Geological heritage of Malaysia Conservation geology for geotop development.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.95 WAR 1999 (1).

Warisan geologi Malaysia Geologi pemuliharaan untuk ekopelancongan

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 1997Other title: Geological heritage of Malaysia Conservation geology for ecotourism.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.95 WAR 1997 (1).

Warisan geologi Malaysia Kerangka teori dan penilaian geowarisan

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2004Other title: Geological heritage of Malaysia Theorical framework and assessment of geoheritage.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.95 WAR 2004 (1).

Warisan geologi Malaysia Pemuliharaan sumber geowarisan dan pemeliharaan alam sekitar

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2007Other title: Geological heritage of Malaysia.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.95 WAR 2007 (1).

Warisan Geologi Langkawi Geological Heritage of Langkawi

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Selangor, Malaysia Institut Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (LESTARI) UKM 2003Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555.9511211 WAR (1).

Simposium penyelidikan ekosistem Lembangan Langat (2003) Kesihatan ekosistem Lembangan Langat Prosiding simposium penyelidikan ekosistem Lembangan Langat 2003

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2004Other title: Proceedings of the 2003 Langat Basin ecosystem research symposium.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 577.0720595115 SIM 2004 (1).

Seminar Kota Kinabalu city In search of a new identity (1997) : Kota Kinabaluc

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 1998Other title: Kota Kinabalu city In search of a new identity.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 307.76 SEM 1998 (1).

Proceedings Sabah parks Conserving our national heritage

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 1997Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 333.783 PRO 1997 (1).

Proceedings Taman Negara Conserving our national heritage

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 1996Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 333.7831 PRO 1996 (1).

Simposium penyelidikan Lembangan Langat (2001) Simposium penyelidikan Lembangan Langat Langat Kesihatan ekosistem Lembangan Langat

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2002Other title: Langat Basin research symposium 2001 Langat Basin ecosystem health : Proceedings.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 577.340959511532 SIM 2002 (1).

Culture and science of mountains editors, Hood Salleh ... [et al.]

by Hood Salleh.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2003Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 551.432 CUL 2003 (1).

Lembangan Kilim Warisan budaya dan sumber asli Langkawi

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2005Other title: Kilim Basin Culture and nature heritage of Langkawi.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 333.70959511211 LEM 2005 (1).

Langkawi Geopark

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2007Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 333.780959511211 LAN 2007 (1).

Geoheritage of East and Southeast Asia editors Mohd Shafeea Leman, Anthony Reedman, Chen Shick Pei.

by Mohd Shafeea Leman | Chen, Shick Pei Reedman, Anthony.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi, Selangor LESTARI 2008Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555 GEO (1).

Geoheritage of East and Southeast Asia editors Mohd Shafeea Leman, Anthony Reedman, Chen Shick Pei.

by Mohd Shafeea Leman | Chen, Shick Pei Reedman, Anthony.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi, Selangor LESTARI 2008Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 555 GEO (1).

Dasar memperbaiki pengurusan pepejal perbandaranb

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2001Other title: Policies to improve municipal solid waste management.Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 636.728506 DAS 2001 (1).

Where is sustainability when landscapes change rapidly?

by Berger Antony R.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 2007Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 338.927 BER 2007 (1).

Environmental quality act Then and now

by Sham Sani.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Publisher: Bangi LESTARI 1997Availability: Items available for loan: JMG IBUPEJABATCall number: 344.59506 SHA 1997 (1).